Parent Meeting will be held every Thursday @6:00

 Our next fundraiser will be held at the Tall Grass Country Club. It will be a food sale in which we will team up with the fourth grade team. You will get tickets for the Tall Grass Fundraiser the middle of October. The Dinner sale will be Nov 7, 2011. Each player will be asked to sale 10 tickets. Details will be released soon.

 We are
going to the NYSSO MID-SEASON NATIONAL QUALIFIER in Topeka, KS. Sunday Oct 9th. Please fill out and return the bottom no later than Oct 1st and pay your fee as soon as possible. Please place it in an envelop with your name, phone number, the player’s name, & #.  Forms  can be found in our  9/20 newsletter.

                             !!! ITS MIDNIGHT MADNESS 2011 !!!

                                    AUGUST 26.2011 @6:00PM

                                                     1329 E. 13th St. North Wichita, Ks

            AUGUST 27, 2011 @ NOON - 2100 W 55th Street South, Wichita, KS 67217

             SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2011  WFA JR. FOOTBALL PRE-SEASON SCRIMMAGE                                        CIRCLE HIGH SCHOOL  905 MAIN TOWANDA KANSAS


Coaches Bernard and AC giving a "nudge" to the Trojan 5, ( or is it the other way around?) 6.2011 fast as you can...Coach B & 5th grade Trojans 7.8.2011 !

BBQ and Car Wash for 5th Grade Trojan Fundraising 8.13.2011!

Trojan PreSeason BBQ at Coach Bernards  2011

5th grade hitting practice 8.22.2011! OUCH!